The main vocation of our Institute is to conserve Slovene nature, with a special care devoted to its most valuable and most threatened parts. The Institute’s key tasks in compliance with the Law on nature protection are the following:
• collection of data on plant and animal species, their habitats and ecosystems (in cooperation with the implementers of public works in the sphere of direction of natural resources management);
• registration and evaluation of separate nature’s parts;
• management of databases concerning natural riches and biodiversity components;
• monitoring of the state of nature preservation, biodiversity and the state of natural riches;
• preparation of professional models:
– for the stipulation of the status of natural riches and their classification per natural riches of national and local concern,
– for the measures to protect biodiversity components,
– for the measures to protect natural riches of local and national concern,
– for protection, and
– for the preparation of Red Lists;
• preparation of nature-conservancy  guidelines;
• presentation of professional opinions from the sphere of nature conservation;
• cooperation in the preparation of plans for the protected areas management;
• management of protected areas established by the state (if so stipulated in the protection act);
• cooperation in the procedure of concessionaire selection;
• providing for professional assistance to the owners of natural riches as well as owners of land in the protected areas;
• professional control over the implementation of nature conservationist tasks;
• cooperation in the implementation of conservation measures regarding natural riches of national concern;
• implementation of professional tasks in the sphere of nature conservation in compliance with this law and other regulations;
• care for uniform professional methods and procedures in the sphere of nature conservation;
• cooperation in the preparation of nature-conservancy education program, and
• care for public awareness building as to the significance of nature conservation.

In  addition to the tasks stipulated by law – Slovene legislation and strategies form the sphere of nature conservation are found here – the Institute is dedicated to various international and national projects enhancing nature conservation.

The IRSNC is a professional body of the Republic of Slovenia for the implementation of the CITES international convention and.As a lider partner or a partner the IRSNC is taking part in numerous domestic and international projects.
With our aspirations for the best possible sustainable cohabitation of man and nature, which of course demands a wise use of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources, we wish to acquaint as a wide range of professional and lay public as possible. In the implementation of our activities we are striving for expertise, objectiveness and constructive dialogue, and try to establish the best possible relations with all participators, i.e. representatives of local communities, the locals themselves, farmers, tourist workers, entrepreneurs, etc., and with experts in other fields.